Angolszász idézetek fordítással, Off Course nyelvtan videókkal és mondatgyűjteménnyel
Letölthető szókártya-sorozat
a leggyakoribb szókapcsolatokkal, könnyen megtanulható, több mint
1000 élőnyelvi mondatban bemutatva.
1000 élőnyelvi mondatban bemutatva.
Ha megosztod ezt a bejegyzést a fészbukon, ráadásul
10. refugee

Vajon mit válaszolt Khalid Szíriából?... a fordítás nem nehéz: a gyakori szavakat nyilván ismered, a nyelvtan az Off Course Angol videó után csekélység :)
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* becsomagoljam? (videó)
* becsomagoljam?_mondatok
Wikipedia: A
refugee, generally speaking, is a displaced person who has been
forced to cross national boundaries and who cannot return home safely
(for more detail see legal definition). Such a person may be called
an asylum seeker until granted refugee status by the contracting
state or the UNHCR if they formally make a claim for asylum.
crisis can refer to movements of large groups of displaced persons,
who could be either internally displaced persons, refugees or other
migrants. It can also refer to incidents in the country of origin or
departure, to large problems whilst on the move or even after arrival
in a safe country that involve large groups of displaced persons.
in 2006, there were 8.4 million UNHCR registered refugees worldwide,
which was the lowest number since 1980. At the end of 2015, there
were 16.1 million refugees worldwide. When adding the 5.2 million
Palestinian refugees who are under UNRWA's mandate there are 21.3
million refugees worldwide. The overall forced displacement worldwide
has reached to a total of 65.3 million displaced persons in the end
of 2015, while it was 59.5 million 12 months earlier. One in every
113 people globally is an asylum seeker or a refugee. In 2015, the
total number of displaced people worldwide, including refugees,
asylum seekers and internally displaced persons, was at its highest
level on record.
Among them, Syrian refugees were
the largest group in 2015 at 4.9 million. In 2014, Syrians had
overtaken Afghan refugees (2.7 million), who had been the largest
refugee group for three decades. Somalis were the third largest group
with one million. The countries hosting the largest number of
refugees according to UNHCR are Turkey (2.5 million), Pakistan (1.6
million), Lebanon (1.1 million) and Iran (1 million). As for the
countries that have the largest numbers of internally displaced
people are Colombia at 6.9, Syria at 6.6 million and Iraq at 4.4
Children formed a 51% of
refugees in 2015 and most of them were separated from their parents
or travelling alone. 86 per cent of the refugees under UNHCR's
mandate in 2015 were in low- and middle-income countries that
themselves are close to situations of conflict. Research has found
that refugees have historically tended to flee to nearby countries
with ethnic kin populations and a history of accepting other
co-ethnic refugees. The religious, sectarian and denominational
affiliation has been an important feature of debate in
refugee-hosting nations.
8. bath toys
mi hiányzik? (te még emlékszel?) – a fordítás könnyű, csak
szavakkal segítek :)

segítség a nyelvtanhoz:
* igeidők (videó)
* időegyeztetés (videó)
5. immigrants

nyilván pontosan tudod, mióta?...
vigyázz, a fordítás könnyűnek tűnhet, de... nem lehet, hogy túlértékeled magad?
segítség a nyelvtanhoz:
* igeidők (videó)
Wikipedia: E.Y. "Yip" Harburg was born Isidore Hochberg to Jewish immigrant parents on the lower east side of New York City on April 8, 1898. He was nicknamed "Yipsel" (Yiddish for squirrel) for his constant clowning and unbounded energy. Faithful Orthodox Jews, his parents immersed Harburg in the positive aspects of the world around him, including the arts. Yiddish theater had a profound effect upon him; the deft blending of humor, fantasy and social commentary left an indelible mark on his own work. He worked at many jobs while growing up, including putting pickles in jars at a small pickle factory, selling newspapers, and lighting street lamps along the docks of the East River.” He attended high school at Townsend Harris Hall, an experimental school for talented children, where he worked on the school newspaper with fellow student Ira Gershwin.
...The team's pinnacle came in 1939, when they wrote the score for the movie he Wizard of Oz, which Harburg approached as a Depression fantasy. Songs from it included "Over the Rainbow," "Ding, Dong! The Witch is Dead," and "We're Off to See the Wizard."...
...Harburg once said, "I am one of the last of a small tribe of troubadours who still believe that life is a beautiful and exciting journey with a purpose and grace which are well worth singing about." Harburg died in a car accident in Los Angeles, California on March 5, 1981.
4. ham and eggs

no, szerinted mi volna?... a fordításnak csak akkor veselkedj neki, ha jobb vagy másoknál :)
segítség a nyelvtanhoz:
* feltételes mód (videó)
* feltételes mód_mondatok
Carl Sandburg (January 6, 1878 – July 22, 1967) was an American
poet, writer, and editor who won three Pulitzer Prizes: two for his
poetry and one for his biography of Abraham Lincoln. During his
lifetime, Sandburg was widely regarded as "a major figure in
contemporary literature", especially for volumes of his
collected verse, includingChicago Poems (1916), Cornhuskers (1918),
and Smoke and Steel (1920). He enjoyed "unrivaled appeal as a
poet in his day, perhaps because the breadth of his experiences
connected him with so many strands of American life", and at his
death in 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson observed that "Carl
Sandburg was more than the voice of America, more than the poet of
its strength and genius. He was America."...
1927 anthology, the American Songbag, enjoyed enormous popularity,
going through many editions; and Sandburg himself was perhaps the
first American urban folk singer, accompanying himself on solo guitar
at lectures and poetry recitals, and in recordings, long before the
first or the second folk revival movements (of the 1940s and 1960s,
3. perfect pillow

ha romantikus alkat vagy, tudnod kell, hol van az a párna. a fordítás meg smafu (az Off Course Angol igeidők videója után). kezdőknek adok dőlt betűs szókincs-segítséget :)
segítség a nyelvtanhoz:
* igeidők (videó)
Wikipedia: Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant (born 9 December 1933) is an author and syndicated cartoonist born in London, UK, and living in Santa Barbara, California, USA. He is best known for his Pot-Shots, single-panel illustrations with one-line humorous remarks, which began syndication in the United States of America in 1975. Brilliant achieved American citizenship in 1969.
The Wall Street Journal described him in a 1992 profile as "history's only full time, professional published epigrammatist."
At one time, there was some confusion and controversy as to the ownership and recognition of his distinctive art form. In a copyright infringement suit filed by Brilliant, a United States federal judge ruled that while short phrases are not eligible for copyright, Brilliant's works were epigrams and therefore copyrightable (Brilliant v. W. B. Productions Inc., 1979).
While Brilliant employs a self-imposed limit of 17 words per epigram, he has actually written and published 41 with 18 words and one with 19 words (By the miracle of teaching, I can give you some of my ability, without losing any of it myself.)
Brilliant is frequently asked about his real last name, of which he says: As far as I know, the name Brilliant is of Russian/Polish/Jewish origin, and is akin to other Jewish names related to precious metals and jewels, e. g. Gold, Silver, Diamond, Ruby, Pearl. (One meaning of brilliant is a kind of diamond.) These in turn relate to the kinds of trades in which many European Jews were engaged when, in the time of Napoleon, they were first required to take surnames.
1. be somebody

tudsz-e ebből (naonjó) poént
gyártani?... lehet hogy a fordítás is megy – ha már a középfok
környékén tanyázol (használd fel a dőlt betűs szót).
segítség a nyelvtanhoz:
* igeidők (videó)
* kellene, nem szabadna (videó)
* kellene, nem szabadna_mondatok
Wikipedia: Lily Tomlin (born Mary Jean Tomlin; September 1, 1939) is an American actress, comedian, writer, singer andproducer. Tomlin began her career as a stand-up comedian, and performing Off-Broadway during the 1960s. Her breakout role was performing as a cast member on the variety show Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In from 1970 until 1973. She currently stars on the Netflix series Grace and Frankie as Frankie Bergstein. Her performance as Frankie garnered her nominations for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series in 2015 and 2016...
...Tomlin was one of the first female comedians to break out in male drag with her characters Tommy Velour and Rick. In 1982, she premiered Pervis Hawkins, a black rhythm-and-blues soul singer (patterned after Luther Vandross), with a mustache, beard and close-cropped afro hairstyle, dressed in a three-piece suit. Tomlin used very little, if any, skin-darkening cosmetics as part of the character, instead depending on stage lighting to create the effect...
...Tomlin met her future wife, writer Jane Wagner, in March 1971. After watching the after-school TV special "J.T." written by Wagner, Tomlin invited Wagner to Los Angeles to collaborate on Tomlin's comedy LP record album And That's The Truth. The couple had no formal coming out....
...Tomlin stated in 2008, "Everybody in the industry was certainly aware of my sexuality and of interviews I always reference Jane and talk about Jane, but they don't always write about it."
On December 31, 2013, Tomlin and Wagner married in a private ceremony in Los Angeles after 42 years together.
Tomlin has been involved in a number of feminist and gay-friendly film productions, and on her 1975 album Modern Screamshe pokes fun at straight actors who make a point of distancing themselves from their gay and lesbian characters—answering the pseudo-interview question, she replies: "How did it feel to play a heterosexual? I've seen these women all my life, I know how they walk, I know how they talk..."
Off Message: liberty

LIBERTY: szabadság
– freedom
to live as you choose without too many restrictions from government
or authority – szabad élni, mint választhat anélkül, hogy túl
sok korlátozás a kormánytól vagy hatóság FREEDOM: szabadság(jog)
– the
right to do or say what you want without anyone stopping you – a jogot, hogy mondjon vagy tegyen, amit akar
anélkül, hogy bárki meggátol