132. the lights

ha így érzed magad, tudod, mi hiányzik :(
ha a fordításhoz felhasználod a dőlt betűs segítséget, sikerülhet :)

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...How many Hungarians live and work abroad? According to the last official statistics of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), their number in 2012 was 230,000. By 2013 KSH and SEEMIG (Managing Migration and Its Effects in South-East Europe) upped this number to close to 420,000. We still have no figures for 2015, but given recent trends the number of Hungarian emigrants at the moment is estimated to be somewhere between 500,000 and 800,000. In six years the rate of emigration has increased sixfold...
...Where did these 500,000-800,000 people go? Earlier most of them went to the United Kingdom, Germany, and Austria, but Hungarians are starting to discover equally inviting destinations: Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, and the Netherlands.
...BBC published a short article, “Hungary: Government seeks to lure young expats back home.” In it they report on a “counter poster” that was an answer to the government’s billboard, “If you come to Hungary you cannot take away Hungarians’ jobs.” It read: “You may safely come to Hungary, we are already working in England.”
(http://hungarianspectrum.org, 2015/07/02)

131. who you know

TE tudod-e, manapság mivel juthatunk előre?... a fordítással csak akkor próbálkozz, ha haladó (vagy beképzelt) vagy...

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Wikipedia: WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks is an international, non-profit, journalistic organisation, that publishes secret information, news leaks, and classified media from anonymous sources. Its website, initiated in 2006 in Iceland by the organization Sunshine Press, claimed a database of more than 1.2 million documents within a year of its launch...
The logo of WikiLeaks, an hourglass with oneglobe leaking to the second

...2016: On 4 July 2016, WikiLeaks tweeted a link to a trove of emails sent or received by then-US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton published on their website. The leak, which contained 1258 emails sent from Clinton's personal mail server, were selected in terms of their relevance to the Iraq War and were apparently timed to precede the release of the UK government's Iraq Inquiry report.
On 19 July 2016, WikiLeaks released 294,548 emails from Turkey's ruling party, Justice and Development party (AKP). According to WikiLeaks, the material, which they claim to be the first batch from the "AKP Emails", was obtained a week before the attempted coup in the country and "is not connected, in any way, to the elements behind the attempted coup, or to a rival political party or state". After WikiLeaks announced that they would release the emails, the organization stayed for over 24 hours under a "sustained attack". Following the leak, the Turkish government ordered the site to be blocked nationwide.
On 22 July 2016, WikiLeaks released approximately 20,000 emails sent from or received by Democratic National Committee personnel. Some of the emails contained personal information of donors, including home addresses and Social Security numbers. Other emails appeared to present ways to undercut Bernie Sanders and showed apparent favoritism towards Clinton...